Back to work at dm as part time..will only work on Sunday unless yvvone needs help on Saturday..knowing work there will be bored but think will get to pass my time better than staying at home doing nothing besides online online n online..just dun wan to pass my time like tat,anyway..working time as usual start at 11,when there a little early wait for amy..she’s also working there but is under loon they all..!!2day,sam seem quiet..ask him wana eat he said some1 piss him pf early in the morning..n think so will be tat 2 fellar..hopefully,they will get better later on..guess so..2day the 1st time both of us been so cool..2 each other..we dint talk much though..see him like tat just worry bout him..n cant do anything..but just wan him 2 take k..o..!!after work..waited for them to finish work n went to eat..1st time joining them for dinner..n back home late for the 1st time not coz of capfire n all..luckily mum was ok wid it..but sis was so piss..bout me..sorry jie..dun mean to make u waited for me so long n cant get 2 time will choose a better day..ya,hehe..tomolo need 2 attend class again..have a boring lecture class..stupid sociology lecturer dunno how 2 teach..then go back n teach ur history loh…ishh..
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