Tuesday, July 3


今天放学后,我到digital mall。。因为雯雯要找人谈天,身为朋友的我应该出现更何况她现在需要我这个朋友听她说话,做她的听众。。!她告诉我关于那个男子怎样对她,我觉得真的不需要对那个人那么好,也不需要那么长情。。感觉上是件很浪费时间还有青春的。虽然,现在还年轻。。但应该没必要为这种人付出这么多。。真有点替她不值,有股冲动想揍他。。伤害我的姐妹。谈着谈着,我不知不觉和雯雯谈到了我以前的事,我把我和benjamin的事告诉了她。。回想起来还蛮不错的,虽然我们并没真正的在一起。但至少我们拥有那个过程,可算是甜蜜吧!=)除此以外,我和雯雯还谈了蛮多事情。。还有谈到我和sam和他,其实我真的有点搞不懂自己想要些什么。。头脑想的东西好像和心里想的都不一样似的。。说真的,我想我真的把他放下了。。但今天他的名字突然间在我的脑海里出现。。让我恍然记得有这么一个人。。我曾经喜欢过,而每天期待着他的简讯。我想他也一样,应该已忘了我这个人的存在吧。。其实我是知道的,有很多事已经不可能发生。。过去就是过去不可能回头。。隔了这么久,却好像还对他又种点念念不忘的感觉,口说忘了,但那种思念好像慢慢地回来似的。。!我不想这样,更不喜欢这样。。一点都不好受。。真的很气自己啊。至于sam,我对他的感觉是一点一滴的累积。。而他的努力真的感动到我。。但,就是缺乏一样东西。。却又说不出是什么。。真是矛盾。也许,是我自己想太多而搞乱了我对他们俩的感情吧。。我想我该放轻松一下好让自己没那么压力。。同一时间也希望可以把我所有的问题解决。到时候应该会好很多。。=)


Anonymous said...

hihi jay again here hehe!nice to meet u 2!anyway since u already accept him half y not accept him fully!since he make u feel he is imporatnt to u y not u try accept him... u can try ask him out face to face talk n ask him again "do u really that love me n willing to give me happeniest!" if u really confus of this matter honestly tell u no ned confus just do it n see wat will happen. n benjamin that persons is a long long long time story y still need think of it.. THE OLD 1 DON 1 TO GO HOW CAN THE NEW 1 COME! MY DEAR POOR FRIENDS...i telling this to u bcs i not willing see the man sam suffer everyday just bcs of waiting u to accept him. although he act ntg but i know the feeling is a very painfull sorrow feeling he had.. bcs this feeling i feel be4 is a feeling that cant express out from heart.i know u also having a hard time but try don think so much just accept n see wat will happen i trust u 2 can go through everything!anyway mayb i talk to much but i hope u wont so mind and angry with me that all i have to say to u.byez by the way i think u muct bkfull bcs i think got hacker in this blogger nowdays haizzz i think mines has been hack but ntg much dmg bcs it just change my music n something only. this hacker also a kind hacker ahh just do something only i tot i will lose my whole account... anyway hope u 2 will be in love 2gether as soon as fast which u 2 in love 4ever n also me as well haha:)

SookiE said...

erm..mayb jz like wat u say..n bout benjamin..i know i over n da him tat i mention is another person..im confuse my feelin between da him n sam..so,still thinkin bout it..anyway,really thanks..u give alots od opinion 2 me..i'll think bout wat u say..n hopefully i have a conclusion soon..=)

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