Finally holiday started..supposingly last sat was the last paper..but due to i still have another resist paper on sad case..every1 get 2 relax yet i still need 2 study..!!well..after exam,i went 2 meet up wid bf..hehe,he know that i was not so happie..n he get his way to make me happie..we went arkit..honestly its been long dint go there adi..high skolmate use 2 go will go there too..!!after that i felt much glad he's wid me..althought ask not 2 think much bout the exam since is over..but somehow..will still think bout it..kinda worry..cant aspect not hopin 2 get all in flyin colour but just dun be too bad though..i dun wana disappoint any1 esle that support me alwiz,either sis or bf..!!Tues,me n amy went neway,1u...hehe,thou only both of us..but yet it was fun too..we wanted to be there bout 12 somethin..but when i reach amy's place she was cleanin her room..n after that was very jam too..therefore it tool bout an hour plus 2 reach there..!!though of after over wanted 2 find my friend..tat workin at 1u..somehow it was late,decided 2 go back..=)..2molo will need 2 stay at home n clean up my stuff..Cny is comin adi..hehe..n it will have a brand new year..guess it will be great year comes n bad things goes...
Wednesday, January 30
Thursday, January 24
my fren~tan jia yuan
At night went for jia yuan's farewell dinner at bbq plaza,1u..due he's leavin on the next day..knowing bout few years durin high skol..tat's also b'coz we joined we knew each other..hehe,it was after junior pl n apl installation we get 2 know each other more..then durin form 4&5 was in the coh gettin closer..!!Jia yuan really such a nice n great person..though mayb last time durin event for scout all of us argue for it..but somehow we knew everythin was just for the good of the event..last year,durin free time o after my coll he actually came over 2 picked me n vicki up from our coll n go for drink..then send us back..or either after outin..!!thanks so much..hain as my fren...stayin at a diff country..may u take k..n live happy..,hope that u enjoy ur coll..hugz
*im went im not there..
Wednesday, January 23
feeling depressed..
i dunno how to decribe..
but it comes after talkin 2 mum..
due to this exam..
i cant fail any of it..
family o bf
cant disappoint them either
i still need to go for my degree..
need atleast get a better 1
in order to get load
after 2day's paper
i have no confident on it..
so worry bout it...!!
now suppose to study
besides the 1st few sub-topic
others did not go in my brain..
any1 have a good way 2 study..?!
im needed..
cant let myself go on like tat
if not really gona die..
complaining so much..
yet nothin gona change..
is still the same..need to study
memorize memorize n memorize..
things that cant do...
i dunno y..
everytime when comes to memorize
starting everything goes well
but when reach the time
everything seem gone n end up
just hate dis happen..
will get me nervous..n lost
anyway will just back to usual..!!
i dunno how to decribe..
but it comes after talkin 2 mum..
due to this exam..
i cant fail any of it..
family o bf
cant disappoint them either
i still need to go for my degree..
need atleast get a better 1
in order to get load
after 2day's paper
i have no confident on it..
so worry bout it...!!
now suppose to study
besides the 1st few sub-topic
others did not go in my brain..
any1 have a good way 2 study..?!
im needed..
cant let myself go on like tat
if not really gona die..
complaining so much..
yet nothin gona change..
is still the same..need to study
memorize memorize n memorize..
things that cant do...
i dunno y..
everytime when comes to memorize
starting everything goes well
but when reach the time
everything seem gone n end up
just hate dis happen..
will get me nervous..n lost
anyway will just back to usual..!!
Monday, January 21
the day have arrive..
Exam is starting 2molo wid the 1st paper writting for business..about dis paper think so should be okay..not much thing 2 worry..erm,mayb the writting part long as know the format..then most probably will be fine wan ar..!!then the followin day will be management studies..hmm,dis 1 tutor n lecturer said is not that easy..question will not be direct..different from past year paper..the 3rd day paper will be mass communication..dis 1 compare 2 last sem public most likely the same but mass comm is abit harder..!!After tat will be marketing,web page design n followin by last paper..sociology..for me,i still have another resit paper which econs..haiz,pary hard for this man..tat's bout the paper that i will be sitting for dis week..n next monday..wau,waitin for it 2 be end..between,now need 2 study..make sure i dun feel regret..=),gambatte 2 every1..hugz..
Saturday, January 19
days b4 final..
Still have another 2 more days then will come to my final exam..dis whole week been stayin at home study..i dunno watever i have go through will it get into my brain..n stay there till my exam ends..!!kinda worry bout the final..cant mess up dis time..if not will be dead..last sem adi die for hope not havin the 2nd time..haiz..wat i can tell myself is just be good gal n go study..then 1 week of exam will pass very fast..but time seem run very slow..mayb there's good..but somehow i just wan it 2 over..n put everythin a side..feelin pressure,but dunno how 2 calm down..n worst part now is backache..sit for long period back bone starts feelin pain n some now havin av..worst plus worst..wth..!!!my energy seem gone no where..i feel so tired n i cant get myself concentrate..argg...really gona get me crazy adi...!!!then dis days i dint getto meet up wid bf..n i think the followin week will not meetin him too...awh..miss him so so,i only get 2 talk 2 him on the phone at night..just the time b4 go to like will be a week plus..previously even we dint get 2 c each other everyday but also not this long,pary hard everythin goes well..then after exam plan for holiday n cny..tat's will be cool i gues...just cant wait till the day come...=),by the way..back bone pain back again..gona rest..make me seem like an old woman...haiz....
Thursday, January 17
Tuesday, January 15
Well,let's see wat i have been doin these days..1stly,i have collected my exam slip on friday..i went in the morning so dint join soh they the way..WAU,thank god im taking exam at pe 011 classroom..soh,simee n shuli also same at the same blok,just different classroom i guess..but amy n jeancui will be at pa blok..dis exam i wont be seeing both of them..till the exam ends..anyhow,i might goin 2 amy's place durin study will still get 2 see her..hehe..!!As i have told manman bout wat happen for the post..n i also understand he's just care for me..n mayb she just forced to do..anyway,just forget it lah..angry also kinda tiring..enough of gettin tired,everythin is over..just hope that it wont happen again..!!Durin the weekend nothin much..being a good gal stayin at home to study for the up comin exam..haiz,SO BORING..!!!!!!!!!other then tat out 4while wid parent on sunday evening..then went for night bf called 2 out dinner wid them..sort of going adi..but last minutes mum rejected sad=(..thought can meet bf for while but end up no..suddenly feel so dissappionted..luckily i got manman's called..have her 2 talk 2 me..i feel much better but somehow,the feelin still stayin there wid me..i just can get myself out of it..n get me so emo..i been so quiet for the night till sis back..there's ppl 2 chat wid me..only get abit better..but then it doesnt last long..after tat im back 2 silent..!!night time,was talkin wid bf n i thought im gettin myself feelin much much better..yet..after put down the phone..everythin was out of control..i think i had whole it too long..n finally might also a great way to express my self..without any1..!!2day feel so nice..back 2 study time..n as usual sitting in front of the comp..not much things..hehe=),hopefully things tat had study get 2 go in my brain..hahaha..dun kiri masuk kanan keluar o..then im dead liao..wakakaka=D,between..goin amy hse to the morning later..=)
Friday, January 11
~feel sad but gettin better~study
y must it like tat..this is not the 1st time adi..just dun like to be like tat..make me feel that im been avoid..!!mayb i cant confirm that she's the 1 who tell him but i assume is her..which she is kinda close to him,as my fren she should knew i dun like thing happen like tat n i did mention to her b4 for the previous 1..n yet she do tat again..n same goes to him..!!i know he just care bout me alot..but somehow i kinda piss that he did i can forget bout both of them,but just as she's my fren i need time..!!all the wjile i thought my fren wil lalwiz know me well..n understand,i realize mayb im kinda wrong..there's alwiz the acception..anyway..dun wana talk bout it liao..!!!Well,today is public holiday n i get to sleep well..n till the time i wan..without bother by any1 o classes..just so great..hmmm,seem like i've been long dint get 2 sleep so long..its like alwiz lake of sleep only..everytime went for classes also felt so tired n alwiz falling asleep..!!Between..due that 2day is public holiday n 2molo classes have replace so my study week started 2day..n exams is just the corner..the most stupid thing is the exam is going to finsh between a week..from mon till break at all..gona die men..stress o..!!ishh...y cant they just make it 2 weeks of exmaination..though is long but atleast student get 2 study abit..during the break between the exam..!!now,need 2 study adi o..just pray hard that dis time will get better..all the best o..
Wednesday, January 9
tagged by emily...
Rules & Regulations
1) do NOT copy MY answers.
2) the tag questions must be 100% the same.
3) tag 5 people after doing this tag.
this tag is a little different, first you list out 20 of your friends names:
1. alena
2. karmun
3. jiayuan
4. amy
5. wanpin
6. alex
7. jixiang
8. soonkeat
9. tiffany
10. shuli
11. jeancui
12. pohyee
13. manman
14. chiaching
15. jeremy
16. guanhuat
17. henry
18. chinyee
19. jonathan
20. kenneth
how did you get to know 14? *chiaching*
~oh,i know her through tuition..the 1st time i met her she adi very talkative liao..hahaha
what would you do if you had never met 1? *alena*
~i think will miss lots of fun wid
what would you do if 9 and 20 had dated you? *tiffany&kenneth*
~haha..i dun mind date wid her..she's funny..n 20,i guess is wont happen..coz he's younger than me..
would 6 & 17 make a good couple? *alex&henry*
~wakakaka...unless they are gay..then i guess will be cool...=p
do you think 8 is attractive? *soonkeat*
~uhuh..mayb but he dun seem attract me though..keke
do you know anything about 12's family? *pohyee*
~erm..she had a younger bro n sis,2gether wid parents n grandma...*wink*
what is 18's favourite? *chinyee*
~hmmm..colour in pink..n her bf..hehehe
what language does 15 speak? *jeremy*
~he knows chinese,english,malay,cantonese n i suspect hokian..
who is 19 going out with? *jonathan*
~either frens o gf..???!!
how old is 16 now? *guanhuat*
~he had celebrated his 19 bday last 2 u know how old is he..
when was the last time you talked to 13? *manman*
~just the monday tat had pass..
would you date 4? *amy*
~haha..she's taken..but will still date her..she's my dear...o
would you date 17? *henry*
~wau..hehe..i guess he likes some1 else...uh..
is 15 single? *jeremy*
~nah..he's taken too...have a long relationship wid the gf liao..
what is 10's last name? *shuli*
~yongshuli..i get 2 see her everyday o...hugz
a relationship with 11? *jeancui*
~about dis ar..need to ask 1st...
where school does 3 go to? *jiayuan*
~no where..but leaving the country nice..
where does 6 live? *alex*
~i forgot..he did mention b4..sori...
what is your favourite thing about 5? *wanpin*
~he's alwiz nice n good 2 chat wid..
5 persons iwish to tag :
1- jiayuan
n the following..dunno who 2 tag to..
1) do NOT copy MY answers.
2) the tag questions must be 100% the same.
3) tag 5 people after doing this tag.
this tag is a little different, first you list out 20 of your friends names:
1. alena
2. karmun
3. jiayuan
4. amy
5. wanpin
6. alex
7. jixiang
8. soonkeat
9. tiffany
10. shuli
11. jeancui
12. pohyee
13. manman
14. chiaching
15. jeremy
16. guanhuat
17. henry
18. chinyee
19. jonathan
20. kenneth
how did you get to know 14? *chiaching*
~oh,i know her through tuition..the 1st time i met her she adi very talkative liao..hahaha
what would you do if you had never met 1? *alena*
~i think will miss lots of fun wid
what would you do if 9 and 20 had dated you? *tiffany&kenneth*
~haha..i dun mind date wid her..she's funny..n 20,i guess is wont happen..coz he's younger than me..
would 6 & 17 make a good couple? *alex&henry*
~wakakaka...unless they are gay..then i guess will be cool...=p
do you think 8 is attractive? *soonkeat*
~uhuh..mayb but he dun seem attract me though..keke
do you know anything about 12's family? *pohyee*
~erm..she had a younger bro n sis,2gether wid parents n grandma...*wink*
what is 18's favourite? *chinyee*
~hmmm..colour in pink..n her bf..hehehe
what language does 15 speak? *jeremy*
~he knows chinese,english,malay,cantonese n i suspect hokian..
who is 19 going out with? *jonathan*
~either frens o gf..???!!
how old is 16 now? *guanhuat*
~he had celebrated his 19 bday last 2 u know how old is he..
when was the last time you talked to 13? *manman*
~just the monday tat had pass..
would you date 4? *amy*
~haha..she's taken..but will still date her..she's my dear...o
would you date 17? *henry*
~wau..hehe..i guess he likes some1 else...uh..
is 15 single? *jeremy*
~nah..he's taken too...have a long relationship wid the gf liao..
what is 10's last name? *shuli*
~yongshuli..i get 2 see her everyday o...hugz
a relationship with 11? *jeancui*
~about dis ar..need to ask 1st...
where school does 3 go to? *jiayuan*
~no where..but leaving the country nice..
where does 6 live? *alex*
~i forgot..he did mention b4..sori...
what is your favourite thing about 5? *wanpin*
~he's alwiz nice n good 2 chat wid..
5 persons iwish to tag :
1- jiayuan
n the following..dunno who 2 tag to..
Saturday, January 5
fun b4 the exam
Still have another 2 weeks plus..then will reach seem i have done nothing for it..think so really need to plan for it..cant remain like tat..but b4 i start doing it..let have another fun..1st,hehe=) n amy have a plan to go sing song at neway,1u..and today we went..n dear came along wid us..!!This the 1st time i been to to redbox n greenbox..i think neway is not bad..the tv is big enough..the was room is provided inside the room,just so nice..we reached there about 1 something then straight went up to neway n get room..the room we had not too big is just suit 3 of us..!!we're there from 1:15 till 5:15..imagine 4 hours there and me n amy sing most of the time..dear only sing once,end up my voice become like a guy pity..but anyway,i still think is worth..enjoy the fun..keke=p,Well,now..will need to concentrate on studies adi..dis time need to put more effort on it..cant be like last sem..GAMBATTE loh..same goes to all my hard n work smart..=)
*took some u go..
Wednesday, January 2
pics on new year eve new year...
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