Tuesday, January 15


Well,let's see wat i have been doin these days..1stly,i have collected my exam slip on friday..i went in the morning so dint join soh they all..by the way..WAU,thank god im taking exam at pe blok..in 011 classroom..soh,simee n shuli also same at the same blok,just different classroom i guess..but amy n jeancui will be at pa blok..dis exam i wont be seeing both of them..till the exam ends..anyhow,i might goin 2 amy's place durin study week..so will still get 2 see her..hehe..!!As i have told manman bout wat happen for the post..n i also understand he's just care for me..n mayb she just forced to do..anyway,just forget it lah..angry also kinda tiring..enough of gettin tired liao..so,everythin is over..just hope that it wont happen again..!!Durin the weekend nothin much..being a good gal stayin at home to study for the up comin exam..haiz,SO BORING..!!!!!!!!!other then tat out 4while wid parent on sunday evening..then went for dinner..at night bf called 2 out dinner wid them..sort of going adi..but last minutes mum rejected me..so sad=(..thought can meet bf for while but end up no..suddenly feel so dissappionted..luckily i got manman's called..have her 2 talk 2 me..i feel much better but somehow,the feelin still stayin there wid me..i just can get myself out of it..n get me so emo..i been so quiet for the night till sis back..there's ppl 2 chat wid me..only get abit better..but then it doesnt last long..after tat im back 2 silent..!!night time,was talkin wid bf n i thought im gettin myself feelin much much better..yet..after put down the phone..everythin was out of control..i think i had whole it too long..n finally out..it might also a great way to express my self..without any1..!!2day feel so nice..back 2 study time..n as usual sitting in front of the comp..not much things..hehe=),hopefully things tat had study get 2 go in my brain..hahaha..dun kiri masuk kanan keluar o..then im dead liao..wakakaka=D,between..goin amy hse to study..in the morning later..=)

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